I fancy myself as an open-minded skeptic regarding matters spooky and bizarre. I was a mere child when I dabbled with a Ouija Board with…
Large Writer at Large
I fancy myself as an open-minded skeptic regarding matters spooky and bizarre. I was a mere child when I dabbled with a Ouija Board with…
I just put my books in the big year-end sale on Smashwords. You know what that means? You can buy either eBook for under $2.…
There’s been a SUPER annoying trend of people spamming and scamming me on social media and, of all places, in the chat feature on Words…
I can’t be the only one who feels this way. I can’t. 8 months of COVID-19 paranoia and restrictions against a backdrop of all this…
When I blow my snotty nose, I sound like a parasauropholus honking its sad, Jurassic mating cry. It scares wildlife in the backyard. I made…
In case you’re bored and stuck inside with a case of the quarantine blues, I’ve marked copies of my eBooks on Smashwords down to $0.00.…
You may recall, before my site blew up, my talking about the production of my adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s From Beyond mounted by the Mill…
[This was originally posted on March 9, 2016. I felt it needed resurrecting because it’s the post that lit a fire under my ass to…
Things fall apart. Ask Messrs. Yeats and Achebe. Web site fall down, go boom. Well alackaday and fuck my luck, as the poet says. For…