You may recall, before my site blew up, my talking about the production of my adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s From Beyond mounted by the Mill Race Theatrical Company of Mount Holly New Jersey as part of the Theater of Fear production this past Fall.
Well, now the script is available with my original science fiction comedy Entangled in a single volume Science Fiction Double Feature, currently available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, but soon on and elsewhere. I’ll keep you posted.
I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to get this one into the library eBook go-round of OverDrive that I was unable to do with Tales from the Back of a Bus. Live and learn. I’ll be donating copies to the local library, so you’ll be able to check out physical copies, too, and buy them at Library Express in the Marketplace at Steamtown. I’ve got you covered, regardless of how you’d like to read it.

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